Downloading your LinkedIn Connections Data

Nicole Michelle
3 min readJan 30, 2022


In this article I will show you how to download your LinkedIn Connections Data. So let’s get started!

  1. Click on the my Network Section at the top of your LinkedIn Page

2. On the left side of the page, you will find an option labelled Connections, click on that

3. Click on the Manage Synced and Import Contacts on the top right

4. Under the Advanced Options, select Export contacts

5. Under the list on the left side of the page select Data Privacy and then click on How LinkedIn uses you data

6. Click on get a copy of your data, you can either choose to download your entire data archive or select what specific csv files you want

7. For the purpose of this tutorial you will only need Connections & Invitations, select the options needed and click on Request Archive, after which you will be asked to enter your password and then in about 10 mins you will receive an email containing you data archive

8. Extract the csv files from the folder, in the Connections.csv the first 3 rows are a disclaimer we shall delete that

9. We will also get rid of the email column as it is empty (because of GDPR norms)

That’s all on how to get the dataset!

You can use this for a variety of things like sentiment analysis of your messages ,or maybe as a data analytics project

This how I have used the dataset :

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Nicole Michelle

Undergrad in IT Engineering — Class of 23 || Machine Learning Enthusiast